Anime Boy Falling: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, with his ash-brown hair dancing with the relentless winds as he falls from a castle tower in a dreamy European medieval setting. His ocean blue eyes display a challenging spirit as he takes the plunge. He is wearing a vintage, dark green vest with gold detailings over a flannel, cream-coloured shirt, with elbow-length, rolled-up sleeves. His brown trousers are loose, cinched at the waist by a rustic leather belt, accompanied by worn out, knee-length leather boots."

Illustrate a young teenager with ash-brown hair, being blown by the wind as he takes a brave leap from a tower of a castle reminiscent of medieval Europe. In his ocean blue eyes, reflect the audacious spirit of his daring act. He is wearing a dark green vest featuring intricate golden details, paired with a cream-coloured flannel shirt, its sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He is also wearing loose brown trousers that are secured at his waist by a rustic leather belt, and worn-out, knee-high leather boots.

Illustrate a young teenager with ash-brown hair, being blown by the wind as he takes a brave leap from a tower of a castle reminiscent of medieval Europe. In his ocean blue eyes, reflect the audacious spirit of his daring act. He is wearing a dark green vest featuring intricate golden details, paired with a cream-coloured flannel shirt, its sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He is also wearing loose brown trousers that are secured at his waist by a rustic leather belt, and worn-out, knee-high leather boots.

Anime Boy Falling: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, with his ash-brown hair dancing with the relentless winds as he falls from a castle tower in a dreamy European medieval setting. His ocean blue eyes display a challenging spirit as he takes the plunge. He is wearing a vintage, dark green vest with gold detailings over a flannel, cream-coloured shirt, with elbow-length, rolled-up sleeves. His brown trousers are loose, cinched at the waist by a rustic leather belt, accompanied by worn out, knee-length leather boots."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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