2 anime boys hanging out

Two anime-stylized boys hanging out together. Boy one is dressed in casual shorts and a cool graphic t-shirt, with slightly messy black hair and glasses, and boy two is wearing an open-front hoodie over a tank top, dark-colored jeans, and white basketball shoes. His hair is silver and cut short. They are laughing and chatting in a park with sakura trees blossoming around them.

Two anime-stylized boys hanging out together. Boy one is dressed in casual shorts and a cool graphic t-shirt, with slightly messy black hair and glasses, and boy two is wearing an open-front hoodie over a tank top, dark-colored jeans, and white basketball shoes. His hair is silver and cut short. They are laughing and chatting in a park with sakura trees blossoming around them.

2 anime boys hanging out

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Outfit
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