Anime Girl Robot: Anime girl drawn in anime art style. Visualize a mesmerizing anime girl who is also a sultry robot, her hair in a myriad of pastel colors styled in an undulating wave. Her captivating eyes are violet, reflecting neon lights. The backdrop is a neon-soaked, technologically advanced cityscape during the night. Her attire includes a holographic mesh top paired with a high-waist, faux leather mini skirt and lavender thigh-high boots accentuated with light-up soles."

Anime Girl Robot: Anime girl drawn in anime art style. Visualize a mesmerizing anime girl who is also a sultry robot, her hair in a myriad of pastel colors styled in an undulating wave. Her captivating eyes are violet, reflecting neon lights. The backdrop is a neon-soaked, technologically advanced cityscape during the night. Her attire includes a holographic mesh top paired with a high-waist, faux leather mini skirt and lavender thigh-high boots accentuated with light-up soles."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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