Anime Boy: Anime boy drawn in anime art style with jet-black, spiky hair that falls carelessly onto his deep-set, emerald green eyes reflecting perseverance. He's settled under the deep pink hues of a setting sun while cherry blossom trees surround him in the background, petals drifting in the breeze. He is adorned in a meticulously detailed, midnight blue kimono, decorated with silver crane motifs that symbolize luck. He's wearing the garment's wide obi belt loosely, its ends hanging casually. White socks peep from traditional flat geta sandals on his feet, the wooden elements creating contrast against the grassy knoll he's standing on. 

Anime boy with jet-black, spiky hair that tumbles onto his deep-set, emerald green eyes reflecting perseverance. The boy is under the deep pink hues of a setting sun, surrounded by cherry blossom trees with petals drifting in the breeze. He adorns a meticulously detailed, midnight blue kimono, decorated with silver crane motifs symbolising luck. He wears the wide obi belt of the kimono loosely, its ends hanging casually. White socks are visible from his traditional flat geta sandals, the wooden elements contrasting the grassy knoll he stands on.

Anime boy with jet-black, spiky hair that tumbles onto his deep-set, emerald green eyes reflecting perseverance. The boy is under the deep pink hues of a setting sun, surrounded by cherry blossom trees with petals drifting in the breeze. He adorns a meticulously detailed, midnight blue kimono, decorated with silver crane motifs symbolising luck. He wears the wide obi belt of the kimono loosely, its ends hanging casually. White socks are visible from his traditional flat geta sandals, the wooden elements contrasting the grassy knoll he stands on.

Anime Boy: Anime boy drawn in anime art style with jet-black, spiky hair that falls carelessly onto his deep-set, emerald green eyes reflecting perseverance. He's settled under the deep pink hues of a setting sun while cherry blossom trees surround him in the background, petals drifting in the breeze. He is adorned in a meticulously detailed, midnight blue kimono, decorated with silver crane motifs that symbolize luck. He's wearing the garment's wide obi belt loosely, its ends hanging casually. White socks peep from traditional flat geta sandals on his feet, the wooden elements creating contrast against the grassy knoll he's standing on.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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