create a short black haired boy with a smiley mask. he has a black hat on his head and hes wearing black clothes. he is in school aswell where is apocalypse zombie

Imagine a short, black-haired student in his school uniform, all clothes black. Precariously resting atop his hair is a worn-out black hat. Hidden behind a unique mask smiling broadly, his eyes reveal a determination beyond his years. Behind him is the iconic scene of his school, but it's desolate, with hints of an apocalypse. Tattered flags, broken windows, and deserted classrooms tell a grim tale. Lingering in the backdrop are the ominous figures of zombies, but drawn in the classic anime style to accentuate the unique blend of horror and fantastical reality.

Imagine a short, black-haired student in his school uniform, all clothes black. Precariously resting atop his hair is a worn-out black hat. Hidden behind a unique mask smiling broadly, his eyes reveal a determination beyond his years. Behind him is the iconic scene of his school, but it's desolate, with hints of an apocalypse. Tattered flags, broken windows, and deserted classrooms tell a grim tale. Lingering in the backdrop are the ominous figures of zombies, but drawn in the classic anime style to accentuate the unique blend of horror and fantastical reality.

create a short black haired boy with a smiley mask. he has a black hat on his head and hes wearing black clothes. he is in school aswell where is apocalypse zombie

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Character
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