A bird person with regal robes pondering a question in a ornate study

Imagine a character that is a mix of avian and human features. This individual is dressed in elaborate and royal garments, displaying an air of elegance and authority. This creature stands amidst a richly decorated library, engrossed in deep thought. The setting of this scene is filled with massive bookshelves teeming with age-old texts and a brilliantly ornate desk adorned by a glowing candle. Please generate this image in a style reminiscent of pre-1912 illustrations, detailed like the elegant contours and vivid colors found in much of Victorian era artwork.

Imagine a character that is a mix of avian and human features. This individual is dressed in elaborate and royal garments, displaying an air of elegance and authority. This creature stands amidst a richly decorated library, engrossed in deep thought. The setting of this scene is filled with massive bookshelves teeming with age-old texts and a brilliantly ornate desk adorned by a glowing candle. Please generate this image in a style reminiscent of pre-1912 illustrations, detailed like the elegant contours and vivid colors found in much of Victorian era artwork.

A bird person with regal robes pondering a question in a ornate study

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Character
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