Anime Girl In Despair: An anime girl drawn in anime art style finds herself surrounded by a ruin of a grand castle, her face expressing despair. Her silver hair falls in elaborate waves, shining under the tear-filled moonlight. Emphasize her green catlike eyes, wide with a mix of fear and resignation. She is wearing a stunning midnight-blue ball gown, detailed with white lace on the bodice and trailing down to the full skirt. The bodice should mold to her slender figure, emphasizing her curves. A long, sheer cape flows down from her bare shoulders. The cape should be reminiscent of the starry night sky. She dons a pair of sleek black knee-length boots with diamond studs. Endow her with silver crescent moon-shaped earrings, adding a minute sparkle to her bewildered appearance."

Anime Girl In Despair: An anime girl drawn in anime art style finds herself surrounded by a ruin of a grand castle, her face expressing despair. Her silver hair falls in elaborate waves, shining under the tear-filled moonlight. Emphasize her green catlike eyes, wide with a mix of fear and resignation. She is wearing a stunning midnight-blue ball gown, detailed with white lace on the bodice and trailing down to the full skirt. The bodice should mold to her slender figure, emphasizing her curves. A long, sheer cape flows down from her bare shoulders. The cape should be reminiscent of the starry night sky. She dons a pair of sleek black knee-length boots with diamond studs. Endow her with silver crescent moon-shaped earrings, adding a minute sparkle to her bewildered appearance."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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