Anime Girl Cyan Hair: A mystical anime girl drawn in anime art style in an enchanted fairy-tale forest. Her cyan hair gleams as it floats around her, dressed in a jewel-encrusted gown that glows with ethereal radiance. A crown of twinkling night flowers rests on her hair, transforming her into a celestial figure. Her gown trails behind, adding drama with each step, while her mesmerizing azure eyes exude enthralling magic."

Anime Girl Cyan Hair: A mystical anime girl drawn in anime art style in an enchanted fairy-tale forest. Her cyan hair gleams as it floats around her, dressed in a jewel-encrusted gown that glows with ethereal radiance. A crown of twinkling night flowers rests on her hair, transforming her into a celestial figure. Her gown trails behind, adding drama with each step, while her mesmerizing azure eyes exude enthralling magic."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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