Anime Boy Girl: An anime boy drawn in anime art style stands close to an anime girl, both looking friendly. He has wild, spiky hair in a shade of midnight blue while a single strand hangs over his bright, amber eyes with a piercing gaze. The boy is dressed in a black, high-collared jacket with gold outlines. His jacket has red lines running like veins on it and there's a small, silver chain hanging from the left side, attached to a belt. He's wearing dark grey pants with silver outlines that matches his ankle-high boots in black, accessorized with a silver crest. A sword with a dragon-shaped hilt is strapped onto his back, implying his warrior status.

A character in the style of traditional Japanese illustrations, identified as a male, stands close to a female character. Both of them exude a friendly vibe. The boy can be identified by his wild, spiky hair in a shade of midnight blue, with a single strand that cascades over his bright, amber eyes, which hold a piercing gaze. He sports a black, high-collared jacket with gold outlines, which has red designs running through it, reminiscent of veins. A small, silver chain hangs from the left side, attached to a belt. He pairs his jacket with dark grey pants that have silver outlines, matching his ankle-high, black boots adorned with a silver crest. His warrior status is implied by a sword strapped onto his back, its hilt shaped like a dragon.

A character in the style of traditional Japanese illustrations, identified as a male, stands close to a female character. Both of them exude a friendly vibe. The boy can be identified by his wild, spiky hair in a shade of midnight blue, with a single strand that cascades over his bright, amber eyes, which hold a piercing gaze. He sports a black, high-collared jacket with gold outlines, which has red designs running through it, reminiscent of veins. A small, silver chain hangs from the left side, attached to a belt. He pairs his jacket with dark grey pants that have silver outlines, matching his ankle-high, black boots adorned with a silver crest. His warrior status is implied by a sword strapped onto his back, its hilt shaped like a dragon.

Anime Boy Girl: An anime boy drawn in anime art style stands close to an anime girl, both looking friendly. He has wild, spiky hair in a shade of midnight blue while a single strand hangs over his bright, amber eyes with a piercing gaze. The boy is dressed in a black, high-collared jacket with gold outlines. His jacket has red lines running like veins on it and there's a small, silver chain hanging from the left side, attached to a belt. He's wearing dark grey pants with silver outlines that matches his ankle-high boots in black, accessorized with a silver crest. A sword with a dragon-shaped hilt is strapped onto his back, implying his warrior status.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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