Anime Boy In Pain: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, in an agonizing state on top of a desolate cliff against a stormy sky backdrop. Dazzling violet eyes express a harbored sorrow beneath his flame-colored, messy hair. His rugged yet handsome features are marred with bruises and cuts. He's attired in a tattered military uniform; a dark green double-breasted long coat with golden buttons, white shirt underneath, black trousers and old-fashioned military boots soaked in the rain. A crumpled dog tag hangs around his neck, signaling his identity.

A young male character, depicted in a traditional Japanese animation style, situated on a desolate cliff. Anguish is etched on his face against a tumultuous, storm-filled sky. His eyes are a beautiful shade of violet, revealing an internal grief hidden beneath strands of disorderly, fiery-colored hair. His masculine, yet elegant features bear signs of ordeal in the form of bruises and cuts. He is dressed in a shredded military uniform consisting of a forest green, double-breasted long coat adorned with gold buttons, a simple white undershirt, ebony trousers and classic styled wet military boots. Around his neck, a bent dog tag dangles, a stark testament to his identity amidst the harsh weather.

A young male character, depicted in a traditional Japanese animation style, situated on a desolate cliff. Anguish is etched on his face against a tumultuous, storm-filled sky. His eyes are a beautiful shade of violet, revealing an internal grief hidden beneath strands of disorderly, fiery-colored hair. His masculine, yet elegant features bear signs of ordeal in the form of bruises and cuts. He is dressed in a shredded military uniform consisting of a forest green, double-breasted long coat adorned with gold buttons, a simple white undershirt, ebony trousers and classic styled wet military boots. Around his neck, a bent dog tag dangles, a stark testament to his identity amidst the harsh weather.

Anime Boy In Pain: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, in an agonizing state on top of a desolate cliff against a stormy sky backdrop. Dazzling violet eyes express a harbored sorrow beneath his flame-colored, messy hair. His rugged yet handsome features are marred with bruises and cuts. He's attired in a tattered military uniform; a dark green double-breasted long coat with golden buttons, white shirt underneath, black trousers and old-fashioned military boots soaked in the rain. A crumpled dog tag hangs around his neck, signaling his identity.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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