Anime Boy In Rain Drawing: Starting: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, dipped in the midst of a stormy night. The boy is standing on an empty road that stretches beyond the horizon, which is dimly lit by street lamps. The thorough smudges of rain are streaked across his face, rivers of sweat and rain run down his skin, embodying a melancholic atmosphere. He is dressed in a saturated black hoodie that clings to his torso due to the heavy rain, the hood dropped into the pool of water at his feet. His trousers are similarly coloured, creating a contrasting image against the humid and sleepy streets. Bare feet emphasize his vulnerability, water puddling around his toes. His hair, as dark as ebony, hangs low over his light-emerald eyes, wet strands clinging to his angular face. 

A young male character captured in an anime style, trapped under a stormy night sky. He is situated on a desolate road that seems to go on endlessly, dimly lit by sporadic street lamps. His face is smudged with the remnants of the relentless rain, a mixture of perspiration and precipitation tracing down his skin, encapsulating a deep sadness. Dressed in a dark, wet hoodie that adheres to his figure due to the rain, its hood is discarded on the watery ground by his feet. Paired with matching colour trousers, the ensemble significantly stands out against the moist and desolate streets. His vulnerability is showcased by his bare feet, the rainwater creating small pools around his toes. His ebony hair drapes over his eyes of a light emerald shade, the damp locks cling to his defined face.

A young male character captured in an anime style, trapped under a stormy night sky. He is situated on a desolate road that seems to go on endlessly, dimly lit by sporadic street lamps. His face is smudged with the remnants of the relentless rain, a mixture of perspiration and precipitation tracing down his skin, encapsulating a deep sadness. Dressed in a dark, wet hoodie that adheres to his figure due to the rain, its hood is discarded on the watery ground by his feet. Paired with matching colour trousers, the ensemble significantly stands out against the moist and desolate streets. His vulnerability is showcased by his bare feet, the rainwater creating small pools around his toes. His ebony hair drapes over his eyes of a light emerald shade, the damp locks cling to his defined face.

Anime Boy In Rain Drawing: Starting: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, dipped in the midst of a stormy night. The boy is standing on an empty road that stretches beyond the horizon, which is dimly lit by street lamps. The thorough smudges of rain are streaked across his face, rivers of sweat and rain run down his skin, embodying a melancholic atmosphere. He is dressed in a saturated black hoodie that clings to his torso due to the heavy rain, the hood dropped into the pool of water at his feet. His trousers are similarly coloured, creating a contrasting image against the humid and sleepy streets. Bare feet emphasize his vulnerability, water puddling around his toes. His hair, as dark as ebony, hangs low over his light-emerald eyes, wet strands clinging to his angular face.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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