Anime Boy Umbrella: Anime boy drawn in an anime art style, idling under a blooming cherry blossom tree in a well-kept Japanese shrine. He possesses a radiant glow, one akin to the sun breaking through the morning fog. His wafting golden hair falls down in smooth, thick strands, framing his almond-shaped amethyst-colored eyes. He's fitted in a traditional dark blue haori with intricate floral patterns bordering the hem and sleeves, and hakama trousers clothed around his lithe figure. His wooden geta sandals rest peacefully in the soft grass. He clings onto a bright red umbrella characterized by an intricate dragon design, a striking contrast against the soft petal rain and the peaceful background."

A Black male teenager, exhibiting characteristics of the anime style, is idling under a blooming cherry blossom tree in a well-kept Japanese shrine. He seems to have an aura as radiant as the sun breaking through the morning fog. His wafting golden hair falls down in smooth, thick strands, juxtaposed by his almond-shaped amethyst-colored eyes. This striking figure is decked in a traditional dark blue haori with intricate flower patterns bordering the hem and sleeves, and hakama trousers hugging his slender body. His wooden geta sandals rest calmly on the soft turf. He protectively clings onto a bright red umbrella featuring an elaborate dragon design, providing a stark contrast against the soft petal rain showering down and the tranquil setting.

A Black male teenager, exhibiting characteristics of the anime style, is idling under a blooming cherry blossom tree in a well-kept Japanese shrine. He seems to have an aura as radiant as the sun breaking through the morning fog. His wafting golden hair falls down in smooth, thick strands, juxtaposed by his almond-shaped amethyst-colored eyes. This striking figure is decked in a traditional dark blue haori with intricate flower patterns bordering the hem and sleeves, and hakama trousers hugging his slender body. His wooden geta sandals rest calmly on the soft turf. He protectively clings onto a bright red umbrella featuring an elaborate dragon design, providing a stark contrast against the soft petal rain showering down and the tranquil setting.

Anime Boy Umbrella: Anime boy drawn in an anime art style, idling under a blooming cherry blossom tree in a well-kept Japanese shrine. He possesses a radiant glow, one akin to the sun breaking through the morning fog. His wafting golden hair falls down in smooth, thick strands, framing his almond-shaped amethyst-colored eyes. He's fitted in a traditional dark blue haori with intricate floral patterns bordering the hem and sleeves, and hakama trousers clothed around his lithe figure. His wooden geta sandals rest peacefully in the soft grass. He clings onto a bright red umbrella characterized by an intricate dragon design, a striking contrast against the soft petal rain and the peaceful background."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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