Anime Boy Looking Down: Anime boy drawn in anime art style gazes down into the depths of a crystalline blue ocean from the edge of a majestic cliff. His blonde hair, styled in a slicked-back manner, catches the high noon sunlight while displaying the shadowed contours of his calm face. Outfit comprises a simple white linen shirt, billowing in the salty sea breeze, loosely tucked into beige cargo shorts that end above the knees. His feet are bare, revealing a simple woven anklet on his right ankle. Depict the scene with precise details, mainly giving off a vibe of tranquility and solitude, with the sunlight casting a warm glow over him and the vast ocean.

A young boy characterized by the anime art genre gazes down into the twinkling depths of a crystal-clear blue ocean from the precipice of an imposing cliff. His hair blond and arranged in a slick-back style, captures the radiance of the noon sunshine while accentuating the shadowed outlines of his placid face. Adorned in a simple white linen shirt that billows in the flavored sea wind, the garment is informally tucked into tan cargo shorts that reach just above his knees. His feet are devoid of any footwear, showcasing a humble woven anklet coiled around his right ankle. The scene should be rendered with meticulous attention to detail, exuding feelings of peace and solitude. The sunlight should cast an inviting, warm glow on the boy and the vast stretching ocean.

A young boy characterized by the anime art genre gazes down into the twinkling depths of a crystal-clear blue ocean from the precipice of an imposing cliff. His hair blond and arranged in a slick-back style, captures the radiance of the noon sunshine while accentuating the shadowed outlines of his placid face. Adorned in a simple white linen shirt that billows in the flavored sea wind, the garment is informally tucked into tan cargo shorts that reach just above his knees. His feet are devoid of any footwear, showcasing a humble woven anklet coiled around his right ankle. The scene should be rendered with meticulous attention to detail, exuding feelings of peace and solitude. The sunlight should cast an inviting, warm glow on the boy and the vast stretching ocean.

Anime Boy Looking Down: Anime boy drawn in anime art style gazes down into the depths of a crystalline blue ocean from the edge of a majestic cliff. His blonde hair, styled in a slicked-back manner, catches the high noon sunlight while displaying the shadowed contours of his calm face. Outfit comprises a simple white linen shirt, billowing in the salty sea breeze, loosely tucked into beige cargo shorts that end above the knees. His feet are bare, revealing a simple woven anklet on his right ankle. Depict the scene with precise details, mainly giving off a vibe of tranquility and solitude, with the sunlight casting a warm glow over him and the vast ocean.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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