2 teenage boys hanging out

Imagine a detailed scene portraying two teenage boys hanging out, depicted in the style typical of Japanese animation from the 1990s. The boys are of around the same age. One boy is South Asian, with tousled hair and is wearing a loose, vibrant colored t-shirt and worn out jeans. The other boy is Caucasian, with neatly cut hair, sporting a casual indigo denim jacket over a plain white t-shirt and khaki trousers. The setting should have a sense of casual urban cool, perhaps in a park or near a graffiti-covered wall. Remember, the style must replicate traditional Japanese animation aesthetics.

Imagine a detailed scene portraying two teenage boys hanging out, depicted in the style typical of Japanese animation from the 1990s. The boys are of around the same age. One boy is South Asian, with tousled hair and is wearing a loose, vibrant colored t-shirt and worn out jeans. The other boy is Caucasian, with neatly cut hair, sporting a casual indigo denim jacket over a plain white t-shirt and khaki trousers. The setting should have a sense of casual urban cool, perhaps in a park or near a graffiti-covered wall. Remember, the style must replicate traditional Japanese animation aesthetics.

2 teenage boys hanging out

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Outfit
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