Black muscle man

A muscular man of African descent, enveloped in vibrant neon-toned colors. He's dressed in punk-inspired attire, involving a fusion of futuristic elements with the rebellious essence of the punk era, such as spiked accessories and ripped clothing. The surrounding environment has a cybernetic feel, with technicolor lights and sharp, angular lines dominated by neon colors, encapsulating the aesthetic of cyber punk

A muscular man of African descent, enveloped in vibrant neon-toned colors. He's dressed in punk-inspired attire, involving a fusion of futuristic elements with the rebellious essence of the punk era, such as spiked accessories and ripped clothing. The surrounding environment has a cybernetic feel, with technicolor lights and sharp, angular lines dominated by neon colors, encapsulating the aesthetic of cyber punk

Black muscle man

Art Style: Neon Punk
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