Anime Boy Manga: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, showcasing jet black hair that is slicked back with a few strands falling over his obsidian eyes. His features are sharp, embodying a sense of maturity. He's dressed in a crisp white shirt, a royal blue tie loosely hanging around his neck indicating a breached elegance. He's also wearing black trousers that are aesthetically creased at the kneecaps and a pair of polished black Oxfords. A silver wrist watch is noticeable on his right hand. The boy is sitting in a modern looking library, bookshelves stacked attractively in the background."

An illustration of a male adolescent character in anime art style. He has jet black hair that is slicked back with a few strands falling over his obsidian eyes that evoke a sense of maturity. He's wearing a crisp white shirt, a royal blue tie loosely adorning his neck signaling an air of relaxed sophistication, black trousers meticulously creased at the kneecaps and sartorial black Oxfords. A noticeable silver wrist watch on his right hand adds a touch of elegance. He's sitting in an artistically constructed contemporary library setting with rows of books neatly stacked in the background.

An illustration of a male adolescent character in anime art style. He has jet black hair that is slicked back with a few strands falling over his obsidian eyes that evoke a sense of maturity. He's wearing a crisp white shirt, a royal blue tie loosely adorning his neck signaling an air of relaxed sophistication, black trousers meticulously creased at the kneecaps and sartorial black Oxfords. A noticeable silver wrist watch on his right hand adds a touch of elegance. He's sitting in an artistically constructed contemporary library setting with rows of books neatly stacked in the background.

Anime Boy Manga: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, showcasing jet black hair that is slicked back with a few strands falling over his obsidian eyes. His features are sharp, embodying a sense of maturity. He's dressed in a crisp white shirt, a royal blue tie loosely hanging around his neck indicating a breached elegance. He's also wearing black trousers that are aesthetically creased at the kneecaps and a pair of polished black Oxfords. A silver wrist watch is noticeable on his right hand. The boy is sitting in a modern looking library, bookshelves stacked attractively in the background."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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