Create an image of a comic book cover showing an imaginative character dressed in baju melayu attire, equipped with his dagger transformed into a device of doom. This character is in a fierce battle with an infamous evil british army world war 2 character wearing classic grand western army. The confrontation takes place in the bustling town of Malacca, Malaysia, full of wooden buildings, in an expressively colored and highly stylized manner characteristic of vintage comic books.

Create an image of a comic book cover showing an imaginative character dressed in baju melayu attire, equipped with his dagger transformed into a device of doom. This character is in a fierce battle with an infamous evil british army world war 2 character wearing classic grand western army. The confrontation takes place in the bustling town of Malacca, Malaysia, full of wooden buildings, in an expressively colored and highly stylized manner characteristic of vintage comic books.

Art Style: Comic Book
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