Anime Girl In Dress: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, exhibiting an enticing beauty while strolling through a romantic, blooming cherry blossom garden. She wears a traditional kimono, its complex patterns of crimson and gold contrasting with her snow-white skin. Long, raven-black hair with pink sakura flowers intertwined complements her sharp, cat-shaped, emerald eyes. Her unique charisma compels anyone who lays their eyes on her."

Anime Girl In Dress: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, exhibiting an enticing beauty while strolling through a romantic, blooming cherry blossom garden. She wears a traditional kimono, its complex patterns of crimson and gold contrasting with her snow-white skin. Long, raven-black hair with pink sakura flowers intertwined complements her sharp, cat-shaped, emerald eyes. Her unique charisma compels anyone who lays their eyes on her."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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