Space jacket 

Create an image of a space jacket. The jacket should have elements reminiscent of an Impressionist painting, showing the use of small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities, and ordinary subject matter. The colors used should be vibrant, yet somewhat muddled reflecting the play of light. The jacket should be visibly futuristic, with design elements suggesting its suitability for space travel. Imagine it as an ordinary object, yet the output of someone's artistic imagination inspired by the 19th century artistic movement.

Create an image of a space jacket. The jacket should have elements reminiscent of an Impressionist painting, showing the use of small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities, and ordinary subject matter. The colors used should be vibrant, yet somewhat muddled reflecting the play of light. The jacket should be visibly futuristic, with design elements suggesting its suitability for space travel. Imagine it as an ordinary object, yet the output of someone's artistic imagination inspired by the 19th century artistic movement.

Space jacket

Art Style: Impressionist
Image Type: Outfit
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