Anime Boy En Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style features short, messy platinum blond hair with a part that barely exposes his crimson eyes. He has a lightly tanned complexion with a defined jawline, showcasing a rebellious charm. He dons a stylized biker's leather jacket in charcoal black, laced with silver-colored zipper and studded details, over a simple white round-neck shirt. His bottom is a pair of black skinny jeans tucked into grungy black boots. A girl stands next to him, her pink hair styled in braids, her eyes as blue as the ocean. She is wearing a pastel-colored gothic lolita dress with a lacey umbrella and white knee-high stockings with pink Mary Jane shoes. They are at a bustling city street at sunset, with the warm glow of the setting sun enveloping them.

A South Asian boy drawn in traditional Japanese manga style displays short, untidy platinum blonde locks, partially revealing his captivating scarlet eyes. His bronze skin tone, coupled with a chiseled jawline, exudes an air of rebellion. His attire consists of a contemporary leather biker jacket in deep charcoal, adorned with silver zippers and studded embellishments, coupled with a plain white crew-neck t-shirt. He sports black skinny jeans tucked into black, worn-out boots. Next to him stands a Caucasian girl, her hair dyed bubblegum pink and styled in intricate braids, with cerulean eyes rivalling the ocean's depths. Her outfit is a pastel gothic lolita ensemble complemented by a delicate lacy parasol and white knee-length socks accompanied by blush pink Mary Jane shoes. They stand amidst a lively urban scene bathed in the sublime glow of a setting sun.

A South Asian boy drawn in traditional Japanese manga style displays short, untidy platinum blonde locks, partially revealing his captivating scarlet eyes. His bronze skin tone, coupled with a chiseled jawline, exudes an air of rebellion. His attire consists of a contemporary leather biker jacket in deep charcoal, adorned with silver zippers and studded embellishments, coupled with a plain white crew-neck t-shirt. He sports black skinny jeans tucked into black, worn-out boots. Next to him stands a Caucasian girl, her hair dyed bubblegum pink and styled in intricate braids, with cerulean eyes rivalling the ocean's depths. Her outfit is a pastel gothic lolita ensemble complemented by a delicate lacy parasol and white knee-length socks accompanied by blush pink Mary Jane shoes. They stand amidst a lively urban scene bathed in the sublime glow of a setting sun.

Anime Boy En Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style features short, messy platinum blond hair with a part that barely exposes his crimson eyes. He has a lightly tanned complexion with a defined jawline, showcasing a rebellious charm. He dons a stylized biker's leather jacket in charcoal black, laced with silver-colored zipper and studded details, over a simple white round-neck shirt. His bottom is a pair of black skinny jeans tucked into grungy black boots. A girl stands next to him, her pink hair styled in braids, her eyes as blue as the ocean. She is wearing a pastel-colored gothic lolita dress with a lacey umbrella and white knee-high stockings with pink Mary Jane shoes. They are at a bustling city street at sunset, with the warm glow of the setting sun enveloping them.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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