Anime Boy Hair: Anime boy drawn in anime art style with glacier-white, shoulder-length hair, styled in messy layers. His sharp, clear blue eyes hold within them a striking intensity beneath long, curled eyelashes. The setting places him standing on a snowy mountain peak, the brisk alpine wind whispering through his hair. He's dressed in a luxuriously thick white fur cloak with intricate silver embroidery. The cloak sways in harmony with the chilled wind. Black, fitted trousers tuck neatly into knee-high leather boots with metal accents. Hanging from his neck is a luminescent pendant that radiates a frosty aura. 

A stylistically drawn boy with shoulder-length, glacier-white hair in a messy layered style. He has sharp, clear blue eyes radiating intense emotions, framed by long, curled eyelashes. He is placed in a high-altitude setting, standing atop a snowy mountain peak with a frosty wind fluttering through his hair. He is wearing a thick, white fur cloak lavishly embroidered with intricate silver designs, dancing along with the breezy wind. His lower half attire consists of nicely fitted black trousers stuffed into knee-high, tough leather boots accentuated with metal hardware. A radiant pendant hangs around his neck, emitting a cold, icy aura.

A stylistically drawn boy with shoulder-length, glacier-white hair in a messy layered style. He has sharp, clear blue eyes radiating intense emotions, framed by long, curled eyelashes. He is placed in a high-altitude setting, standing atop a snowy mountain peak with a frosty wind fluttering through his hair. He is wearing a thick, white fur cloak lavishly embroidered with intricate silver designs, dancing along with the breezy wind. His lower half attire consists of nicely fitted black trousers stuffed into knee-high, tough leather boots accentuated with metal hardware. A radiant pendant hangs around his neck, emitting a cold, icy aura.

Anime Boy Hair: Anime boy drawn in anime art style with glacier-white, shoulder-length hair, styled in messy layers. His sharp, clear blue eyes hold within them a striking intensity beneath long, curled eyelashes. The setting places him standing on a snowy mountain peak, the brisk alpine wind whispering through his hair. He's dressed in a luxuriously thick white fur cloak with intricate silver embroidery. The cloak sways in harmony with the chilled wind. Black, fitted trousers tuck neatly into knee-high leather boots with metal accents. Hanging from his neck is a luminescent pendant that radiates a frosty aura.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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