Anime Girl Pink: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, a harmonious mix of rosy pink tones. She's donned in a high-waisted, fluffy tutu skirt paired with a fitted, one-shoulder top baked with intricate floral embroidery. Her leg-warmers and ribbon-tied ballet flats impeccably accentuate her slender legs. Her hairstyle, a sophisticated bun, shines pink and is adorned with tiny, delicate roses. Her eyes, as vivid as a summer sunset, enhance her animated allure."

Anime Girl Pink: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, a harmonious mix of rosy pink tones. She's donned in a high-waisted, fluffy tutu skirt paired with a fitted, one-shoulder top baked with intricate floral embroidery. Her leg-warmers and ribbon-tied ballet flats impeccably accentuate her slender legs. Her hairstyle, a sophisticated bun, shines pink and is adorned with tiny, delicate roses. Her eyes, as vivid as a summer sunset, enhance her animated allure."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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