Anime Boy And Girl: An anime boy drawn in anime art style seated on a stone bridge alongside an anime girl at dusk. The boy has striking indigo eyes, full of mystery, while his ash blonde hair is neatly combed in a side-swept style. He is adorned in a loose, cream-colored henley topped with a brown leather vest cinched at the waist, dark burgundy trousers tucked into scuffed leather boots. He wears a trio of antique keys hanging from a thin chain around his neck. The girl with him has hair the color of burning embers styled into two side ponytails, her eyes are a piercing amethyst. She wears a light green prairie dress with lace details, a brown leather belt at the waist, and a pair of tan ankle boots. Both stare at their reflection in the tranquil river, their posture relaxed and contented.

A young boy with striking indigo eyes and ash blonde hair combed in a side-swept style, sits on a stone bridge in an anime style depiction. He's adorned in a loose, cream-colored henley shirt topped with a brown leather vest cinched at the waist, burgundy trousers tucked into scuffed leather boots. Around his neck, he sports a trio of antique keys on a thin chain. Seated next to him is a young girl with hair the color of burning embers styled into two side ponytails, and piercing amethyst eyes. Her attire is a light green prairie dress with lace details, cinched at the waist with a brown leather belt, and a pair of tan ankle boots. As dusk approaches, they both stare at their peaceful reflections in the tranquil river, exhibiting a relaxed and content demeanor.

A young boy with striking indigo eyes and ash blonde hair combed in a side-swept style, sits on a stone bridge in an anime style depiction. He's adorned in a loose, cream-colored henley shirt topped with a brown leather vest cinched at the waist, burgundy trousers tucked into scuffed leather boots. Around his neck, he sports a trio of antique keys on a thin chain. Seated next to him is a young girl with hair the color of burning embers styled into two side ponytails, and piercing amethyst eyes. Her attire is a light green prairie dress with lace details, cinched at the waist with a brown leather belt, and a pair of tan ankle boots. As dusk approaches, they both stare at their peaceful reflections in the tranquil river, exhibiting a relaxed and content demeanor.

Anime Boy And Girl: An anime boy drawn in anime art style seated on a stone bridge alongside an anime girl at dusk. The boy has striking indigo eyes, full of mystery, while his ash blonde hair is neatly combed in a side-swept style. He is adorned in a loose, cream-colored henley topped with a brown leather vest cinched at the waist, dark burgundy trousers tucked into scuffed leather boots. He wears a trio of antique keys hanging from a thin chain around his neck. The girl with him has hair the color of burning embers styled into two side ponytails, her eyes are a piercing amethyst. She wears a light green prairie dress with lace details, a brown leather belt at the waist, and a pair of tan ankle boots. Both stare at their reflection in the tranquil river, their posture relaxed and contented.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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