Anime Boy En Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style has straight, shoulder-length ebony hair parted to reveal his intense stormy gray eyes. Possessing a chiseled face and a quiet smile, he's wearing a soft, turquoise Yukata with leaf patterns accentuated with a dark sash and traditional Japanese wooden sandals. An anime girl stands next to him, visible by her curly red hair surrounding her soft hazel eyes. She is attired in a cherry blossom decorated Yukata in soft pink and has a delicate flower hairpin in her hair. They are at a lively summer festival amidst colorful yatai food stalls and patrons donned in equally vibrant traditional clothing with fireworks bursting in the night sky above them.

An anime boy with straight, shoulder-length ebony hair revealing his intense stormy gray eyes stands in the scene. He has a chiseled face and a quiet smile, clad in a soft, turquoise Yukata with leaf patterns, accompanied by a dark sash and traditional Japanese wooden sandals. Beside him, an anime girl emerges, characterized by her curly red hair and soft hazel eyes. She dons a cherry blossom decorated Yukata in soft pink, with a delicate flower hairpin adorning her hair. They find themselves at a vibrant summer festival, with colorful yatai food stalls and patrons in traditional clothing visible in the background. Above them, fireworks illuminate the night sky.

An anime boy with straight, shoulder-length ebony hair revealing his intense stormy gray eyes stands in the scene. He has a chiseled face and a quiet smile, clad in a soft, turquoise Yukata with leaf patterns, accompanied by a dark sash and traditional Japanese wooden sandals. Beside him, an anime girl emerges, characterized by her curly red hair and soft hazel eyes. She dons a cherry blossom decorated Yukata in soft pink, with a delicate flower hairpin adorning her hair. They find themselves at a vibrant summer festival, with colorful yatai food stalls and patrons in traditional clothing visible in the background. Above them, fireworks illuminate the night sky.

Anime Boy En Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style has straight, shoulder-length ebony hair parted to reveal his intense stormy gray eyes. Possessing a chiseled face and a quiet smile, he's wearing a soft, turquoise Yukata with leaf patterns accentuated with a dark sash and traditional Japanese wooden sandals. An anime girl stands next to him, visible by her curly red hair surrounding her soft hazel eyes. She is attired in a cherry blossom decorated Yukata in soft pink and has a delicate flower hairpin in her hair. They are at a lively summer festival amidst colorful yatai food stalls and patrons donned in equally vibrant traditional clothing with fireworks bursting in the night sky above them.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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