Anime Girl With Red Eyes: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, showcasing an enigmatic lady with strikingly gorgeous red eyes. She's posed elegantly in a vintage-style tea house, porcelain teacups and roses surrounding her. She's adorned in a long emerald green Victorian gown with lace detailing and pearl insets, her long auburn locks curling down to her waist. A top hat with a matching green ribbon settles on her head, adding an intriguing contrast to her vivid eyes and delicate features."

Anime Girl With Red Eyes: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, showcasing an enigmatic lady with strikingly gorgeous red eyes. She's posed elegantly in a vintage-style tea house, porcelain teacups and roses surrounding her. She's adorned in a long emerald green Victorian gown with lace detailing and pearl insets, her long auburn locks curling down to her waist. A top hat with a matching green ribbon settles on her head, adding an intriguing contrast to her vivid eyes and delicate features."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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