
Generate a detailed lucid image of an anthropomorphic male character in the regular Anime style. He boasts visual hints of age, like subtle wrinkles on his cheery face and weathered hands. Each strand of his silvery hair is designed with intricate detail. His almond-shaped, benevolent eyes have an infectious twinkle in them, mesmerizing and full. He wears a traditional Kimono, which is tastefully decorated with Sakura flower patterns and he is seen standing upright, exuding an aura of wisdom and serenity.

Generate a detailed lucid image of an anthropomorphic male character in the regular Anime style. He boasts visual hints of age, like subtle wrinkles on his cheery face and weathered hands. Each strand of his silvery hair is designed with intricate detail. His almond-shaped, benevolent eyes have an infectious twinkle in them, mesmerizing and full. He wears a traditional Kimono, which is tastefully decorated with Sakura flower patterns and he is seen standing upright, exuding an aura of wisdom and serenity.


Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Furry
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