Anime Girl Yellow Hair: Emit the image of a delicate anime girl drawn in anime art style, with striking golden yellow hair cascading to her waist in large waves. Her eyes should be azure blue that convey a sultry allure. She's in a gothic setting - a majestically eerie mansion brimming with vintage charm. She sports a navy blue sleeveless floor-length gown, embellished with silver sequins around the waist. A matching choker encircles her neck with a dangling silver teardrop gem.

Anime Girl Yellow Hair: Emit the image of a delicate anime girl drawn in anime art style, with striking golden yellow hair cascading to her waist in large waves. Her eyes should be azure blue that convey a sultry allure. She's in a gothic setting - a majestically eerie mansion brimming with vintage charm. She sports a navy blue sleeveless floor-length gown, embellished with silver sequins around the waist. A matching choker encircles her neck with a dangling silver teardrop gem.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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