Anime Boy In Water: Conjure up an anime boy drawn in anime art style standing in the rain-soaked streets of a neon-lit city. His rakish black hair slicked back from the pouring rain, revealing sapphire eyes that shine with resilience. A steely look is upon his face while he is clad in a muddied white shirt with rolled-up sleeves showing a digital watch on his left wrist. His fitted dark-blue jeans, soggy and clinging to his legs, are paired with worn-out leather boots. A cross-shaped earring dangles from his right ear and a chain necklace is tucked under his shirt, its end peeking from the open collar."

Imagine an illustration of a young male character, reminiscent of anime art, standing amidst the torrential rain on the illuminated streets of a vibrant city. His hair, dark as obsidian, is swept back due to the rain, unveiling brilliant blue eyes filled with tenacity. His expression is resolute. He's dressed in a dirt-stained, white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, exposing a futuristic wristwatch on his left arm. He sports clinging, soaked azure jeans paired with aged leather boots. A cross-shaped ornament hangs from his right ear and a necklace chain is partially hidden under his collar, peeking out slightly.

Imagine an illustration of a young male character, reminiscent of anime art, standing amidst the torrential rain on the illuminated streets of a vibrant city. His hair, dark as obsidian, is swept back due to the rain, unveiling brilliant blue eyes filled with tenacity. His expression is resolute. He's dressed in a dirt-stained, white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, exposing a futuristic wristwatch on his left arm. He sports clinging, soaked azure jeans paired with aged leather boots. A cross-shaped ornament hangs from his right ear and a necklace chain is partially hidden under his collar, peeking out slightly.

Anime Boy In Water: Conjure up an anime boy drawn in anime art style standing in the rain-soaked streets of a neon-lit city. His rakish black hair slicked back from the pouring rain, revealing sapphire eyes that shine with resilience. A steely look is upon his face while he is clad in a muddied white shirt with rolled-up sleeves showing a digital watch on his left wrist. His fitted dark-blue jeans, soggy and clinging to his legs, are paired with worn-out leather boots. A cross-shaped earring dangles from his right ear and a chain necklace is tucked under his shirt, its end peeking from the open collar."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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