Anime Girl Blue: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, an enchanting mermaid with blue-green hair, flowing freely like the ocean currents. Her stunning cobalt eyes are mesmerizing, carrying tales of the deep seas. She's gracefully positioned on a secluded beach with the azure sea as her backdrop. She's draped in delicate seashell accessories and wearing a captivating, iridescent tail made of magic and moonlight.

Anime Girl Blue: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, an enchanting mermaid with blue-green hair, flowing freely like the ocean currents. Her stunning cobalt eyes are mesmerizing, carrying tales of the deep seas. She's gracefully positioned on a secluded beach with the azure sea as her backdrop. She's draped in delicate seashell accessories and wearing a captivating, iridescent tail made of magic and moonlight.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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