Tarot card joker art deco

Create an image of a tarot card featuring a joker, designed in the style of Art Deco. The illustration should reveal a jester holding a staff in one hand and a globe in the other, standing on a pattern of geometric shapes typical to the Art Deco era. Make the overall color scheme vibrant with gold accents, with intricate lines creating a labyrinth-like background. Emphasize symmetry and repetition, hallmarks of the Art Deco style.

Create an image of a tarot card featuring a joker, designed in the style of Art Deco. The illustration should reveal a jester holding a staff in one hand and a globe in the other, standing on a pattern of geometric shapes typical to the Art Deco era. Make the overall color scheme vibrant with gold accents, with intricate lines creating a labyrinth-like background. Emphasize symmetry and repetition, hallmarks of the Art Deco style.

Tarot card joker art deco

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