Veer hanuman burning lanka

An interpretation of a scene from Indian mythology where a powerful monkey god known as Hanuman sets a city on fire. The scene should be dynamic and vivid in detail resembling the style of vintage comic books. Hanuman is depicted with his iconic monkey-like features, massive body size and carrying a flaming torch. The city is shown with historical architecture engulfed in flames. The sky above is filled with thick clouds of smoke, reflecting the chaos below.

An interpretation of a scene from Indian mythology where a powerful monkey god known as Hanuman sets a city on fire. The scene should be dynamic and vivid in detail resembling the style of vintage comic books. Hanuman is depicted with his iconic monkey-like features, massive body size and carrying a flaming torch. The city is shown with historical architecture engulfed in flames. The sky above is filled with thick clouds of smoke, reflecting the chaos below.

Veer hanuman burning lanka

Art Style: Comic Book
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