Anime Girl Eyes: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, her bewitching emerald eyes are rimmed with darkest kohl. The cascading golden curls of her hair are teased into an intricate braid resting on one shoulder. She sports a high-waisted, seafoam green tulle skirt paired with a dainty lace crop top. Intricate silver bangles clink on her wrists and strappy gladiator sandals grace her dainty feet. Standing elegantly against a beach backdrop at sunset, her vivacious charm is easily palpable.

Anime Girl Eyes: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, her bewitching emerald eyes are rimmed with darkest kohl. The cascading golden curls of her hair are teased into an intricate braid resting on one shoulder. She sports a high-waisted, seafoam green tulle skirt paired with a dainty lace crop top. Intricate silver bangles clink on her wrists and strappy gladiator sandals grace her dainty feet. Standing elegantly against a beach backdrop at sunset, her vivacious charm is easily palpable.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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