Anime Girl Japanese: Anime girl drawn in anime art style embodying a captivating Japanese popstar at a pulsating music festival. She has lucid emerald green eyes, framed by her vibrant, ultraviolet hued hair held up in twin tails. She wears a gleaming black leather jacket, paired with a sultry neon mini skirt, thigh-high boots laid with rubies, and an array of shining acryl arm accessories, bringing the eclectic fashion trend to life."

Anime Girl Japanese: Anime girl drawn in anime art style embodying a captivating Japanese popstar at a pulsating music festival. She has lucid emerald green eyes, framed by her vibrant, ultraviolet hued hair held up in twin tails. She wears a gleaming black leather jacket, paired with a sultry neon mini skirt, thigh-high boots laid with rubies, and an array of shining acryl arm accessories, bringing the eclectic fashion trend to life."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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