Anime Boy Umbrella: Anime boy drawn in an anime art style, strolling a bustling cityscape during the onset of a drizzle. His hair, as dark as a raven's wing, contrasts against his porcelain skin and sable eyes that hold a thousand untold stories. Wearing a sleek, tailored purple suit, a black monochromatic satin tie neatly tucked under his collar adds a formal touch to his ensemble. His raven-colored pants, creased and perfect, are a match for the glossy leather shoes shining under the street lamps. The boy is clutching an elegant, charcoal-colored umbrella with silver motifs etched into its fabric, the city lights refracting beautifully off its glossy surface."

A young boy drawn in the characteristic visual style associated with Japanese comics and animations, meandering through a vibrant cityscape as the first signs of a light rain begin. His hair, deep and dark as a raven's wing, provides a stark contrast against his fair complexion and expressive, sable-colored eyes that brim with a myriad of unspoken tales. His outfit consists of a stylish, well-fitted purple suit with a monochromatic black satin tie adding an element of formality. His matching raven-colored trousers, neatly creased, and glossy leather shoes glisten under the illumination of street lamps. He is holding a sophisticated, charcoal-hued umbrella adorned with intricate silver patterns, its glossy fabric capturing and refracting the city's brilliant lights.

A young boy drawn in the characteristic visual style associated with Japanese comics and animations, meandering through a vibrant cityscape as the first signs of a light rain begin. His hair, deep and dark as a raven's wing, provides a stark contrast against his fair complexion and expressive, sable-colored eyes that brim with a myriad of unspoken tales. His outfit consists of a stylish, well-fitted purple suit with a monochromatic black satin tie adding an element of formality. His matching raven-colored trousers, neatly creased, and glossy leather shoes glisten under the illumination of street lamps. He is holding a sophisticated, charcoal-hued umbrella adorned with intricate silver patterns, its glossy fabric capturing and refracting the city's brilliant lights.

Anime Boy Umbrella: Anime boy drawn in an anime art style, strolling a bustling cityscape during the onset of a drizzle. His hair, as dark as a raven's wing, contrasts against his porcelain skin and sable eyes that hold a thousand untold stories. Wearing a sleek, tailored purple suit, a black monochromatic satin tie neatly tucked under his collar adds a formal touch to his ensemble. His raven-colored pants, creased and perfect, are a match for the glossy leather shoes shining under the street lamps. The boy is clutching an elegant, charcoal-colored umbrella with silver motifs etched into its fabric, the city lights refracting beautifully off its glossy surface."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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