Anime Girl Sketch: A vivacious anime girl drawn in anime art style, set against a bustling city skyline during a golden sunset. She is dressed in a form-fitting, burgundy leather jacket paired with a high-waisted, acid-washed denim skirt and sleek black stiletto boots. Her hair is styled in a chic high ponytail with fringe bangs, and her eyes, a captivating royal blue, sparkle under the city lights.

Anime Girl Sketch: A vivacious anime girl drawn in anime art style, set against a bustling city skyline during a golden sunset. She is dressed in a form-fitting, burgundy leather jacket paired with a high-waisted, acid-washed denim skirt and sleek black stiletto boots. Her hair is styled in a chic high ponytail with fringe bangs, and her eyes, a captivating royal blue, sparkle under the city lights.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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