Medieval fantasy knight named Cedric. Tall, handsome young man looking like Steven R McQueen. Brown hair

Create an image of a fictional character concept: a medieval fantasy knight not named but sharing similar qualities as mentioned. He is tall and widely regarded as handsome. His features resemble those of a young man - strong jawline, stunning eyes, and appealing features. His hair is brown and styled akin to a 3D character. His attire consists of typical knight armor: a plated chestpiece, shoulder guards, and a helmet resting beside him. The setting is a castle's courtyard. He carries a broadsword with a richly decorated hilt. There should be no text in the image.

Create an image of a fictional character concept: a medieval fantasy knight not named but sharing similar qualities as mentioned. He is tall and widely regarded as handsome. His features resemble those of a young man - strong jawline, stunning eyes, and appealing features. His hair is brown and styled akin to a 3D character. His attire consists of typical knight armor: a plated chestpiece, shoulder guards, and a helmet resting beside him. The setting is a castle's courtyard. He carries a broadsword with a richly decorated hilt. There should be no text in the image.

Medieval fantasy knight named Cedric. Tall, handsome young man looking like Steven R McQueen. Brown hair

Art Style: 3d Character
Image Type: Character
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