Anime Boy Backgrounds: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, sitting in a vintage record store, surrounded by vinyl collections. His hair is a warm chestnut brown, medium length, swept to one side revealing his emerald green eyes. He is dressed in an earth-toned, plaid flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. His black, distressed skinny jeans reveal a casual, well-worn pair of tan suede boots. A pair of black-rimmed eyeglasses rests on the top of his head and he's holding a coveted vinyl album close to his chest."

Anime-style illustration of a male teenager of unspoken descent, seated in a vintage record shop surrounded by extensive vinyl collections. His medium length, warm chestnut brown hair is swept to one side, revealing his striking emerald green eyes. He is dressed in an earth-toned, plaid flannel shirt with sleeves hiked up to his elbows. Black, distressed skinny jeans cover his lower body, terminating into a pair of casually worn, tan suede boots. A pair of black-rimmed glasses is perched atop his head. His hands hold a cherished vinyl album snugly against his torso.

Anime-style illustration of a male teenager of unspoken descent, seated in a vintage record shop surrounded by extensive vinyl collections. His medium length, warm chestnut brown hair is swept to one side, revealing his striking emerald green eyes. He is dressed in an earth-toned, plaid flannel shirt with sleeves hiked up to his elbows. Black, distressed skinny jeans cover his lower body, terminating into a pair of casually worn, tan suede boots. A pair of black-rimmed glasses is perched atop his head. His hands hold a cherished vinyl album snugly against his torso.

Anime Boy Backgrounds: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, sitting in a vintage record store, surrounded by vinyl collections. His hair is a warm chestnut brown, medium length, swept to one side revealing his emerald green eyes. He is dressed in an earth-toned, plaid flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. His black, distressed skinny jeans reveal a casual, well-worn pair of tan suede boots. A pair of black-rimmed eyeglasses rests on the top of his head and he's holding a coveted vinyl album close to his chest."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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