Anime Boy Nerd: Anime boy drawn in anime art style: illustrate a boy with hidden depths, whose silver eyes sparkle with mischief behind horn-rimmed spectacles. His jet-black hair is neatly side-parted, and he is in a quiet library with stacks of books in the backdrop. His outfit consists of a brown blazer, crisp white shirt, and a loose red tie; the school uniform for a prestigious private academy. His loafers, in matching brown, are coupled with black socks, and he carries an overflowing book bag. A small astronomy pin is seen shining from the lapel of his blazer, hinting at his extracurricular interests."

Illustrate a young Asian boy, whose charcoal eyes sparkle with mischief behind horn-rimmed glasses. His jet-black hair is neatly side-parted. The scene is set in a quiet library with stacks of bound volumes in the backdrop. He is decked out in a deep brown blazer, crisp white shirt, and a loose cardinal-red tie; the school uniform for a prestigious private academy. His loafers, in matching brown, are coupled with ebony socks, and he holds a bulky book bag overflowing with paperback and hardcover books. Gracefully nestled on his lapel, an astronomy pin glints, hinting at his extracurricular interests in celestial studies.

Illustrate a young Asian boy, whose charcoal eyes sparkle with mischief behind horn-rimmed glasses. His jet-black hair is neatly side-parted. The scene is set in a quiet library with stacks of bound volumes in the backdrop. He is decked out in a deep brown blazer, crisp white shirt, and a loose cardinal-red tie; the school uniform for a prestigious private academy. His loafers, in matching brown, are coupled with ebony socks, and he holds a bulky book bag overflowing with paperback and hardcover books. Gracefully nestled on his lapel, an astronomy pin glints, hinting at his extracurricular interests in celestial studies.

Anime Boy Nerd: Anime boy drawn in anime art style: illustrate a boy with hidden depths, whose silver eyes sparkle with mischief behind horn-rimmed spectacles. His jet-black hair is neatly side-parted, and he is in a quiet library with stacks of books in the backdrop. His outfit consists of a brown blazer, crisp white shirt, and a loose red tie; the school uniform for a prestigious private academy. His loafers, in matching brown, are coupled with black socks, and he carries an overflowing book bag. A small astronomy pin is seen shining from the lapel of his blazer, hinting at his extracurricular interests."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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