
Illustrate a scene inspired by the visual elements of classic Japanese animation style, widely known as anime. The scene might depict a group of four friends - a Caucasian female, a Middle-Eastern male, a South Asian male, and a Black female - standing near a cherry blossom tree in a schoolyard. They are all wearing colorful uniforms typical of Japanese high school students. Their facial expressions show a range of emotions: one is laughing heartily, one is looking thoughtful, one is surprised, and the other one seems slightly irritated.

Illustrate a scene inspired by the visual elements of classic Japanese animation style, widely known as anime. The scene might depict a group of four friends - a Caucasian female, a Middle-Eastern male, a South Asian male, and a Black female - standing near a cherry blossom tree in a schoolyard. They are all wearing colorful uniforms typical of Japanese high school students. Their facial expressions show a range of emotions: one is laughing heartily, one is looking thoughtful, one is surprised, and the other one seems slightly irritated.


Art Style: Anime
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