Year 2224

Imagine futuristic-themed makeup inspired by the year 2224. Think vibrant colors, geometric shapes, and holographic effects. The eyes would feature bright neon hues in fanciful futuristic patterns extending towards the brows, and a holographic lip color that appears different from every angle. Above the cheekbones, glowing lines impossibly thin yet bright, resembling circuitry. This avant-garde look marries traditional makeup technique with the fantastic, hinting at what beauty trends might exist 200 years in the future.

Imagine futuristic-themed makeup inspired by the year 2224. Think vibrant colors, geometric shapes, and holographic effects. The eyes would feature bright neon hues in fanciful futuristic patterns extending towards the brows, and a holographic lip color that appears different from every angle. Above the cheekbones, glowing lines impossibly thin yet bright, resembling circuitry. This avant-garde look marries traditional makeup technique with the fantastic, hinting at what beauty trends might exist 200 years in the future.

Year 2224

Image Type: Makeup
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