Black muscle man

A muscular man of Black descent depicted in a cyberpunk aesthetic with prominent neon elements entwined within the details. His body is defined by shadows and light, creating a powerful contrasting effect. Hovering amidst an industrialized city backdrop, glowing neon lines define his physique, revealing the power and skill of his form. The cybernetic elements interspersed within the man's body convey a blend of human strength and technological prowess.

A muscular man of Black descent depicted in a cyberpunk aesthetic with prominent neon elements entwined within the details. His body is defined by shadows and light, creating a powerful contrasting effect. Hovering amidst an industrialized city backdrop, glowing neon lines define his physique, revealing the power and skill of his form. The cybernetic elements interspersed within the man's body convey a blend of human strength and technological prowess.

Black muscle man

Art Style: Neon Punk
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