Anime girl and boy couple drawn in anime art style, nestled in a bustling cityscape. The anime girl, mother-pearl-eyed with bouncy lavender hair adorned with ethereal moon-shaped accessories. Dressed in a holographic sequin mini skirt paired with a galaxy-print off-shoulder crop top, black thigh-high stockings punctuated by celestial-designed white sneakers. The boy, with dreamy eclipse-like eyes and glossy black hair styled neatly. He's wearing a pinstripe white suit with a lavender dress shirt underneath, high-top black boots, tapping rhythmically to the pulse of the city.

Anime girl and boy couple drawn in anime art style, nestled in a bustling cityscape. The anime girl, mother-pearl-eyed with bouncy lavender hair adorned with ethereal moon-shaped accessories. Dressed in a holographic sequin mini skirt paired with a galaxy-print off-shoulder crop top, black thigh-high stockings punctuated by celestial-designed white sneakers. The boy, with dreamy eclipse-like eyes and glossy black hair styled neatly. He's wearing a pinstripe white suit with a lavender dress shirt underneath, high-top black boots, tapping rhythmically to the pulse of the city.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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