Anime Boy In Shorts: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, leaning against the aged, gargantuan trunk of a Sakura tree in full bloom on a peaceful, dew-kissed morning. His hair, a cascade of silver that reflects the first light of dawn, parts to showcase his sky-blue eyes – as tranquil and endless as the ocean. He wears an artfully distressed, cream-white band tee displaying a popular J-rock band, and lagoon-blue cargo shorts reaching just past his knees. His feet are bare, features lightly dirt-streaked from morning exploration. His wrists are adorned in a collection of handmade friendship bracelets, gifts from his loyal companions.

An anime-style boy with silver hair that reflects the early morning light, leaning against the ancient, massive trunk of a Sakura tree in full bloom. The peaceful scene is enhanced by the morning dew. His sky-blue eyes capture the tranquil infinite expanse of the sea. His attire consists of a worn-out, cream-white band tee featuring an unnamed rock band and deep blue cargo shorts that reach just past his knees. His feet are bare and slightly dirt-streaked from his morning adventure. A collection of homemade friendship bracelets, gifts from his close friends, adorn his wrists.

An anime-style boy with silver hair that reflects the early morning light, leaning against the ancient, massive trunk of a Sakura tree in full bloom. The peaceful scene is enhanced by the morning dew. His sky-blue eyes capture the tranquil infinite expanse of the sea. His attire consists of a worn-out, cream-white band tee featuring an unnamed rock band and deep blue cargo shorts that reach just past his knees. His feet are bare and slightly dirt-streaked from his morning adventure. A collection of homemade friendship bracelets, gifts from his close friends, adorn his wrists.

Anime Boy In Shorts: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, leaning against the aged, gargantuan trunk of a Sakura tree in full bloom on a peaceful, dew-kissed morning. His hair, a cascade of silver that reflects the first light of dawn, parts to showcase his sky-blue eyes – as tranquil and endless as the ocean. He wears an artfully distressed, cream-white band tee displaying a popular J-rock band, and lagoon-blue cargo shorts reaching just past his knees. His feet are bare, features lightly dirt-streaked from morning exploration. His wrists are adorned in a collection of handmade friendship bracelets, gifts from his loyal companions.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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