Anime Boy En Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style has long, loosely tied auburn hair that tousles onto his mysterious purple eyes. His prominent nose and thin lips give him a noble appearance. He is adorned in a classical prince's attire—a white tunic with golden patterns, red velvet cape, and matching gold and white trousers tucked into polished brown leather boots. An elaborate golden crown encrusted with rubies and sapphires rests atop his head. Beside him is an anime girl with straight blond hair that falls onto her soft pink eyes. She is clad in a Victorian-era princess gown in shades of sky-blue and white lace complemented by glass slippers. They are set in a grand royal castle hall ornamented with opulent chandeliers and royal banners.

An anime-style depiction of a South Asian prince and a Hispanic princess set in a grand royal castle. The prince is characterized by long, loosely tied auburn hair that tousles onto his mysterious purple eyes, a prominent nose, and thin lips giving him a noble appearance. He is dressed in a classical prince's attire—a white tunic with golden patterns, a red velvet cape, and matching gold and white trousers tucked into polished brown leather boots. An elaborate golden crown encrusted with rubies and sapphires rests atop his head. The Hispanic princess is shown with straight blond hair that falls onto her soft pink eyes and is clad in a Victorian-era gown in shades of sky-blue with white lace complemented by glass slippers. The grand royal castle hall is ornate with opulent chandeliers and royal banners.

An anime-style depiction of a South Asian prince and a Hispanic princess set in a grand royal castle. The prince is characterized by long, loosely tied auburn hair that tousles onto his mysterious purple eyes, a prominent nose, and thin lips giving him a noble appearance. He is dressed in a classical prince's attire—a white tunic with golden patterns, a red velvet cape, and matching gold and white trousers tucked into polished brown leather boots. An elaborate golden crown encrusted with rubies and sapphires rests atop his head. The Hispanic princess is shown with straight blond hair that falls onto her soft pink eyes and is clad in a Victorian-era gown in shades of sky-blue with white lace complemented by glass slippers. The grand royal castle hall is ornate with opulent chandeliers and royal banners.

Anime Boy En Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style has long, loosely tied auburn hair that tousles onto his mysterious purple eyes. His prominent nose and thin lips give him a noble appearance. He is adorned in a classical prince's attire—a white tunic with golden patterns, red velvet cape, and matching gold and white trousers tucked into polished brown leather boots. An elaborate golden crown encrusted with rubies and sapphires rests atop his head. Beside him is an anime girl with straight blond hair that falls onto her soft pink eyes. She is clad in a Victorian-era princess gown in shades of sky-blue and white lace complemented by glass slippers. They are set in a grand royal castle hall ornamented with opulent chandeliers and royal banners.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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