Anime girls cleaning lambo urus

Two characters drawn in the pixel art style similar to vintage Japanese animation, each with their distinctive and detailed anime features, are diligently washing a sleek and shiny sports utility vehicle (SUV) indicative of a Lamborghini Urus model. The first character is a Caucasian girl with long, lavender hair and blue eyes wearing a casual t-shirt and shorts. The second character is a Black girl with coily, chestnut-colored hair up in a ponytail, deep brown eyes, and donning an overall. Both are equipped with sponges, water buckets and soap giving a shiny polish to the vehicle.

Two characters drawn in the pixel art style similar to vintage Japanese animation, each with their distinctive and detailed anime features, are diligently washing a sleek and shiny sports utility vehicle (SUV) indicative of a Lamborghini Urus model. The first character is a Caucasian girl with long, lavender hair and blue eyes wearing a casual t-shirt and shorts. The second character is a Black girl with coily, chestnut-colored hair up in a ponytail, deep brown eyes, and donning an overall. Both are equipped with sponges, water buckets and soap giving a shiny polish to the vehicle.

Anime girls cleaning lambo urus

Art Style: Pixel Art
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