Messages extracts

Create a collage that presents an array of various messages. These messages could be from different forms of communication such as letters, emails, text message bubbles, note papers, post-its, or writings on chalkboards. They can be in different languages, handwriting and typesetting. The overall aesthetic should encompass a balanced layout with different colors, fonts and sizes. Position the messages with overlapping layers to give the feeling of depth and hierarchical importance. Have some texts appear with bolder coloring or larger formats to give the impression that they are more urgent or important.

Create a collage that presents an array of various messages. These messages could be from different forms of communication such as letters, emails, text message bubbles, note papers, post-its, or writings on chalkboards. They can be in different languages, handwriting and typesetting. The overall aesthetic should encompass a balanced layout with different colors, fonts and sizes. Position the messages with overlapping layers to give the feeling of depth and hierarchical importance. Have some texts appear with bolder coloring or larger formats to give the impression that they are more urgent or important.

Messages extracts

Image Type: Collage
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