Anime Girl Sketch: A captivating anime girl drawn in anime art style, strolling along a sandy beach as the sun paints hues of pink and orange across the sky. She shimmers in a jewel-toned, jewel-encrusted bikini top, a high-waisted sarong revealing a hint of her midriff, and bare feet adorned with delicate anklets. Her cascading, sea-blue hair sways with the ocean breeze, complimenting her stunning, oceanic eyes.

Anime Girl Sketch: A captivating anime girl drawn in anime art style, strolling along a sandy beach as the sun paints hues of pink and orange across the sky. She shimmers in a jewel-toned, jewel-encrusted bikini top, a high-waisted sarong revealing a hint of her midriff, and bare feet adorned with delicate anklets. Her cascading, sea-blue hair sways with the ocean breeze, complimenting her stunning, oceanic eyes.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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