Anime Girl: The anime girl drawn in Japanese anime art style exhibits a mesmerizing vitality through her fiery amber-tinged eyes. She positions herself amidst a luxuriant forest clearing, ethereal in the moonlight. The anime girl's enigmatic physique gets prominence in an emerald-green short frock lined with glistening tear drop pearls. Her radiant rose-gold hair is braided intricately with fresh ferns and fern flowers. A pair of fairy-esque moss green heels completes her attire.

Anime Girl: The anime girl drawn in Japanese anime art style exhibits a mesmerizing vitality through her fiery amber-tinged eyes. She positions herself amidst a luxuriant forest clearing, ethereal in the moonlight. The anime girl's enigmatic physique gets prominence in an emerald-green short frock lined with glistening tear drop pearls. Her radiant rose-gold hair is braided intricately with fresh ferns and fern flowers. A pair of fairy-esque moss green heels completes her attire.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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