Anime Boy Wearing Blue: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, standing atop a snow-covered mountain, his bleached hair with hints of blue caught up in the chill wind, and his icy blue eyes visible even through the swirling snowstorm. He is wearing a thick, royal blue fur-trimmed cloak that cascades to his ankles, concealing most of his jet-black thermal outfit underneath. His only accessory is a stark blue crystal pendulum, glowing subtly against the white backdrop. His feet are encased in black insulated boots with silver buckles that shine under the pale moonlight.

Anime-style illustration of a teenage boy with bleached, wind-tossed hair having subtle blue hints, his icy blue eyes piercing through the snowstorm. He is perched atop a snow-covered mountain, cloaked in a thick royal blue fur-trimmed cloak that flows down to his ankles, veiling most of his black thermal attire. Dangling from his neck is a blue crystal pendulum, its muted glow contrasting with the frosty surroundings. His feet are snugly fitted in black insulated boots adorned with shining silver buckles, their glint noticeably under the faint moonlight.

Anime-style illustration of a teenage boy with bleached, wind-tossed hair having subtle blue hints, his icy blue eyes piercing through the snowstorm. He is perched atop a snow-covered mountain, cloaked in a thick royal blue fur-trimmed cloak that flows down to his ankles, veiling most of his black thermal attire. Dangling from his neck is a blue crystal pendulum, its muted glow contrasting with the frosty surroundings. His feet are snugly fitted in black insulated boots adorned with shining silver buckles, their glint noticeably under the faint moonlight.

Anime Boy Wearing Blue: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, standing atop a snow-covered mountain, his bleached hair with hints of blue caught up in the chill wind, and his icy blue eyes visible even through the swirling snowstorm. He is wearing a thick, royal blue fur-trimmed cloak that cascades to his ankles, concealing most of his jet-black thermal outfit underneath. His only accessory is a stark blue crystal pendulum, glowing subtly against the white backdrop. His feet are encased in black insulated boots with silver buckles that shine under the pale moonlight.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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