Anime Boy In The Rain Gif: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, sitting pensively on a park bench during a twilight rain shower. His hair is a soothing lavender color, wet and clinging to his forehead and his eyes are a mysterious amethyst, reflecting the soft moonlight. He's clad in a cozy cream-colored knit sweater and faded black jeans, hugging his slender form. His feet are dressed in comfortable black loafers, partially covered by the puddles forming around the bench. He wears a pair of old, black leather gloves and a matching scarf loosely thrown around his neck. Tiny specks of water adorn his wire-rimmed glasses. His location is a serene and quiet park, dimly lit by the distant city lights and moon, with rain-soaked trees surrounding him.

An anime-styled illustration of a boy with lavender hair and amethyst eyes, seated thoughtfully on a park bench under a twilight rain shower. His wet hair is sticking to his forehead, and the moonlight reflects in his mysterious eyes. He is dressed in a snug cream-colored knit sweater, worn-out black jeans that conform to his slim physique, and comfortable black loafers that are partially hidden by the accumulating water around the bench. He also has a pair of aged black leather gloves and a coordinating scarf casually draped around his neck. Raindrops embellish his wire-rimmed glasses. Around him, a serene park scene unfolds under the dim lights of the far-off city and the moon, with verdant trees darkened from the downpour.

An anime-styled illustration of a boy with lavender hair and amethyst eyes, seated thoughtfully on a park bench under a twilight rain shower. His wet hair is sticking to his forehead, and the moonlight reflects in his mysterious eyes. He is dressed in a snug cream-colored knit sweater, worn-out black jeans that conform to his slim physique, and comfortable black loafers that are partially hidden by the accumulating water around the bench. He also has a pair of aged black leather gloves and a coordinating scarf casually draped around his neck. Raindrops embellish his wire-rimmed glasses. Around him, a serene park scene unfolds under the dim lights of the far-off city and the moon, with verdant trees darkened from the downpour.

Anime Boy In The Rain Gif: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, sitting pensively on a park bench during a twilight rain shower. His hair is a soothing lavender color, wet and clinging to his forehead and his eyes are a mysterious amethyst, reflecting the soft moonlight. He's clad in a cozy cream-colored knit sweater and faded black jeans, hugging his slender form. His feet are dressed in comfortable black loafers, partially covered by the puddles forming around the bench. He wears a pair of old, black leather gloves and a matching scarf loosely thrown around his neck. Tiny specks of water adorn his wire-rimmed glasses. His location is a serene and quiet park, dimly lit by the distant city lights and moon, with rain-soaked trees surrounding him.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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